Spring cleaning, Space making.

Winter into spring is the season of darkness into light. That is the literal translation of
Guru. To be clear, I’m not offering myself as your guru, we each have inner wisdom, a
connection to source, in yoga it’s called the Sadhguru. Sat in Sanskrit means truth or reality.
So, sat-guru or Sadhguru means true Guru, a guru whose knowledge doesn't come from
scriptures but comes from his or her own experience. So I’m hoping you’ll join me for this
season of creating powerful everyday practices to get more connected to your inner wisdom,
your intuition and your most authentic self. As Marie Forleo says, the world really does need
that gift that only you can offer.

Carving out space in your space :
-where can you set yourself up for Sadhana
- space in your body
-space in your mind