The Importance of Recalibration

From where do you orient yourself through life? How do you proprioceptively arrange yourSelf along the time/space continuum?  That may be a rather obscure question to ask on a Monday, or any day.  But we like to go deep, so let's consider... The way our external environment looks is a direct reflection for how we internally believe the world works. Even the basis of our relationships, our cultural norms, our values, our environment, our relationships, and the way we share our gifts & talents all stem from one place of origin. 

It is this pervading perspective, this philosophical foundation, this universal understanding around which our entire life organizes. Are we aware? How often do we look beneath the surface, investigate what systems we've had in place for decades - or our entire lives?  When do we pause & consider what beliefs we've held with no personal inquiry into how valid their placement in our frontal cortex? 

We advocate everything from New Moon rituals to 10-yr planning, sankalpa to Six Sigma for systematizing & streamlining a life attuned to your hearts' resonance. Through our radial experience of the world, however, we add a bit more depth to the intention setting conversation & propose our true deep center is actually a moving target. Without digging in from time to time we sleep through transitions and miss the moment where function turned dysfunctional, where productivity turned to liability. 

Our internal magnet adjusts slightly year after year. With every life changing experience or blissful memory, with every loss of relationship or job transition- our core center has been rocked and we have to recalibrate to this new way of understanding the world. If we avoid the work, refusing to grow, change, evolve or inquire, & choose to stay the same our integrity gets lost in the shuffle. 

Whether we are conscious or not, everyone of us is yoked to something- in a pretty tangled way. ALL of us are practicing yoga in relationship to some belief or self identity. Whether it includes Sun Salutes & daily prayer, or conference calls & business meetings, we have all created a life which reflects our own moral compass & represents our beliefs & intrinsic values.  But what we say we believe and what we do don't always align.  The more we let ourselves slip with one discordant decision or jeopardize our own integrity by allowing external influence to sway us off course, the easier it becomes to live a life of empty words & shallow experiences.

Without regular contemplation we mindlessly repeat what has always been, & mistakenly assume our old school principles hold the same impactful weight today. We can become a shell of what we used to stand for, a faint echo of our louder days when we spoke with voracity to damn the man, or heal the world, or live on a boat... 
Do you consider your intention for why you are moving before you take that first step? Even if todays' first step has been taken every single day for the last 10 years? Open your contemplative practice and go deep into the core of you- every single day. You'll be more keen to pivot the more you check in & connect to what your body/mind/heart truly need in any given moment.  *Expect variability. 

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